Wednesday, May 6, 2009

With Mother's Day only a few days away, it's easy to reminisce about Mom. What familiar sayings did you hear growing up? What words of wisdom have carried you through the years?
Write about an instance where Mom's words mattered. Her words are a memoir waiting to be written.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today, I opened a trunk I use as an end table. It holds memorabilia that I rarely view. When I do take the time to reminisce with the contents, I usually find comfort of days gone by. Today, the memories salvaged weren't inside. The sticker USA on the outside made me think of my mother in law. Thoughts of her carrying the trunk as she came to America made me sentimental. She left all her touchable memorabilia, other than what could fit in the trunk, to travel to a new home. It holds the story of her leaving her homeland and starting a life somewhere where there were no friends and no familiar comforts. This trunk is a part of her life and a story waiting to be written.
Look around your home for objects that remind you of a story. Write it!