Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Read a Memoir, Write a Memoir

Before continuing with the various aspects of writing a memoir, it might be helpful for you to read a few while contemplating writing your own. You might enjoy the ones listed below. Have fun exploring others.

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls: This memoir acquaints the reader with the author’s dysfunctional family. It is a story of family survival despite parental mental illness and alcoholism.

Eighty Acres, by Ronald Jager: This memoir depicts life on the author’s eighty acre farm around the time of World War II.

Growing Up, by Russell Baker: A Pulitzer Prize winning memoir about the author’s life growing up during the depression with his single mother.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Find a Focus

It may be confusing to think of a focus for your memoir. One way of finding a focus is to begin making a list of family members, places you’ve lived, successes, work experiences, trips, great joys, heartaches and sorrows, people who have had an impact on your life, etc. When compiling the list, jot down a few lines about the subjects. As future thoughts come to you, add to the list. Think about the stories family memories have relayed to you over the years and write those down. Look at family photo albums , family heirlooms, or keepsakes. Don't forget to add to the list those family stories you've heard and revere. You may see a pattern of events or people that you seem passionate about detailing. With enough of these jottings, you’ll begin to see a pattern forming for an area of focus.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What's the Purpose of Your Memoir?

Determine the purpose of the memoir; what you want the reader to know. Also, will it be for your family use, to share at a specific event, for general publication, etc.?
For example, Heaven Help Mom was written for general publication. Its purpose was to share with readers Biblical lessons my children taught me and to inspire the readers to look for the daily lessons that children unknowingly teach adults.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Memoir Defined

A memoir concentrates on a specific period of time or related events.
Heaven Help Mom concentrates on the years when my children were growing up. It also was written from the perspective of related events. All the stories told were about daily events in which my children taught me a lesson.