Sunday, August 31, 2008

Memoir writing aids

Here are a few questions that may help stimulate your writing.
What jokes and stories were told?
What principles were taught?
What were some family sayings, (Waste not want not)
What values would you want to will the future?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Character Development

The reader should be able to picture what your characters looked like and how they sounded. What was unique about the things they said or the way they said them? Were there favorite sayings? Were there things they always did that could be identified with them?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Time Travel

Today, take a trip to a restaurant or mall. Be a people watcher and then write a description of someone you have watched. Transfer one of the people from your memoir into today's scene. Put them in the current place and circumstances. What would that character do and say? What would be his mannerisms and actions? Now take that information and use it in your memoir to enhance your character as he appears in your memoir.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Intended audience

How many generations or family members are you going to write about?
Who is your intended audience ie., your immediate family, extended family, general public?