Monday, December 17, 2007

Peacefulness During Turmoil

Here is a portion of a devotional from my book, Heaven Help Mom.
In the story, Ed is a preschooler and has just lost his dog. Enjoy the
story fragment.
"Together, we went to church in our grieving mood without the Merry in Christmas. After sharing his grief with others and appearing as a sad angel, Ed found enough peace to involuntarily fall asleep. I viewed his peaceful and sad portrayal of an angel much the same as our lives. Sometimes it is sad, sometimes merry, but through it all God is there to provide us some peace. That little angel asleep in the pew reminded me of the gift that we were given with the birth and death of the Prince of Peace.
Ed woke up early Christmas morning and was particularly thrilled with receiving a calculator that looked like a brown dog. I hesitated including it under the tree because I feared it would start the tears flowing and the sadness would resurface. Ed said, "I was given this so that I can play with it and remember all the fun times I played with Brownie." It seems Ed was given peace by receiving a gift that reminded him of love. Peace and love; the message for any Christmas to become Merry."